Redis, the popular in-memory data store, is a go-to choice for improving application performance and scalability. When integrated with Spring Boot, it becomes a powerful tool for caching and data storage. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to connect Redis to a Spring Boot application, harnessing the power of both technologies.

Section 1: Setting up Your Environment: Before we dive into the integration, let’s make sure you have the essentials in place. You’ll need a Java development environment, a Spring Boot project, and a running Redis server. If you haven’t set these up yet, you can follow the steps in these resources:

Section 2: Adding Dependencies: To start integrating Redis with Spring Boot, you need to include the necessary dependencies. Let’s look at how to add them to your project.

Maven users can add the following dependencies to their pom.xml file:


Gradle users should add these dependencies to their build.gradle file:

implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-redis'

Section 3: Configuring Redis in Spring Boot: Now that you have the dependencies in place, it’s time to configure your Spring Boot application to connect to Redis. Open your or application.yml file and set the Redis connection properties:

This code specifies the host and port where your Redis server is running.

Section 4: Creating a Redis Repository: In Spring Boot, a Redis repository simplifies data access. Let’s create a Redis repository interface that extends CrudRepository and annotate it with @Repository.

import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

public interface YourEntityRepository extends CrudRepository<YourEntity, String> {
    // Define custom Redis operations here

Section 5: Using Redis Operations: With the Redis repository in place, you can now use Redis operations in your service or controller. Here’s a sample service class:

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public class YourEntityService {
    private final YourEntityRepository repository;

    public YourEntityService(YourEntityRepository repository) {
        this.repository = repository;

    public void saveEntity(YourEntity entity) {;

    public YourEntity getEntity(String id) {
        return repository.findById(id).orElse(null);

In this code, we inject the Redis repository and demonstrate two common Redis operations: saving and retrieving data.

Section 6: Running Your Spring Boot Application: You’re all set to run your Spring Boot application. Once it’s up and running, it will automatically connect to the Redis server specified in your configuration.

Conclusion: Connecting Redis to a Spring Boot application opens up a world of possibilities for caching and data storage. By following these steps, you can harness the combined power of Redis and Spring Boot to build high-performance, scalable applications.

Resources and Further Reading: